Animal Products

“Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace.” – Albert Schweitzer.

I was told a story that inspired this post…

A lady wanted a particular type of dog so she went to the ‘best’ breeder she could find in Spain, and purchased a dog, even before he was born. She paid thousands for the dog and once he had been taken from his mother, she paid hundreds for his transport to her home. After some weeks he began to behave strangely and so the owner took him to the vet. It turned out that he had a genetic disease that would continually worsen until his death unless he had a very expensive operation. So he had the very expensive operation and lived happily ever after.

Of course not.

The woman complained to the breeder but of course the breeder denied this gene defect (as any sort of admission would affect their very lucrative business) and so the owner sent the dog back. Like a defected item. 

The owner didn’t want him. 
The breeder didn’t want him.
He was killed… Well, he was going to die anyway, right?

Animals did not survive peacefully on this Earth for millions of years to become our products.

Products to entertain us.
Products to feed us.
Products to clothe us.

To use our intelligence and strength to take advantage of innocent beings does not make us clever nor strong. But we’ve been brought up to believe that it’s normal. Animal cruelty is not normal. Please be one less person treating animals as products. 

If you would like any help in reducing the number of animal products in your diet then feel free to get in touch with me or take a look at my recipe recommendation page 💚



68 thoughts on “Animal Products

  1. Nonee N says:

    I have been wanting to transition to Vegetarianism now for years and then ultimately to Veganism. I have watched countless documentaries etc and recently watched Okja on Netflix and What the Health and literally CRIED so much! Animals are friends, not food! Working on it….starting one step at a time. I appreciate this post

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      Oh my gosh I watched the trailer for Okja and cried… How did you get through the whole film? I refuse to watch it haha.

      I think if you’re thinking about vegetarianiam/veganism then you’re absolutely on the right track. I’m ALWAYS here for you if you’d like any advice or tips. If you can just start cutting animal products out of your diet slowly then you’ll be fine 💚


  2. placeinthisworld247 says:

    Very sad indeed. We should treat all animals with kindness and respect, and like humans, none of them should be treated like they are not loved or wanted.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      I share your thoughts… Isn’t it obvious to everyone that animals suffer? So therefore why would anyone not want to love and care for them rather than just taking advantage of them as we do in this day and age 😦 💚

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Cheryl at The Lifestyle Digs says:

    I became a vegetarian a long time ago because I can’t decide which animals are my friends and which are my dinner.

    As for the dog, my dogs are my babies. It would be very difficult for me to give a dog up for any reason, return it to the breeder, but I think if someone could spend thousands of dollars on a dog they can probably afford an expensive surgery.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      Yah Cheryl! I think it’s sooo great that at such a young age you weren’t brainwashed into thinking it was ok to eat some animals and not animals… I unfortunately fell for that for many years.

      I think buying animals is awful because not only does it place a value on them and turn them in to your belongings but it also encourages the awful puppy mill industry. I think it says a lot about this women though, in that she was happy to pay for the ‘perfect’ puppy but as it was broken, even though she probably could afford it, she didn’t want it anymore. In my opinion the buying and selling of animals should be made illegal, what do you think? 💚


  4. jmsterb says:

    People that treat living things like consumer goods are despicable. Shame on the breeder for not offering to pay for the operation as well; they have an obligation to do their utmost to ensure healthy puppies. Although, tbh, I prefer adoption over breeders.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      I love your last sentence in particular. When we breed animals for profit then we automatically become owners of them instead of family. We wouldn’t buy children.

      I really appreciate your comment. Thank you 💚


  5. ontherytepaige says:

    That’s an interesting point! Earlier this year, there was flack over the dog festival in China, and my first thought was “How many of these protestors actually eat meat and are only bothered because dogs in particular, are cute?”. It’s good to discuss though, progress will come.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      You’re right! Earthling Ed posted a great video where he attended a demo against the Yulin Festival (I think) and interviewed the people who ate meat ( They came out with all sorts of excuses to eat meat as long as it wasn’t one of the animals that they have been told from a baby are ‘pets’. This distinction isn’t a real one, it’s just something that we, in the Western world, have made. If we love dogs, why don’t we love pigs, for example?

      I really appreciate your thought-provoking comment 💚


    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      Oh Jenna that’s so wonderful to hear that you no longer eat animals. Let’s hope that people can extend the compassion they have towards ‘pets’ to the other farm animals they eat one day 💚


  6. Tara says:

    That’s why I rescue/adopt. It’s heartbreaking to me how people can treat animals they see as defective or they just don’t feel like taking care of anymore. People can be horrible.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      That’s great news Tara. I always remind myself that people have been brought up to buy animals and they have been brought up to eat animals. It’s our job to explain to them otherwise because we love animals 💚


    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      I found it incredibly sad too. Hopefully, as you said, this story reminds people that there are millions of animals in shelters that need homes.

      When we buy an animal it is for our happiness. When we save an animal from a shelter it is for the animal’s happiness and our happiness. I know which one I prefer 💚


  7. Shannon C. says:

    I agree with this. I am not a Vegan or Vegetarian, but if I had to slaughter the chickens and cows, then I WOULD NOT be a “meat-eater”. I bet if they started putting the faces of the animals, on the packages, lots of people would not eat meat.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      Shannon your comment is a breath of fresh air. You’d be surprised at how many people insist they would kill animals if they had to… Which, in my opinion, is not honest because we are taught as children to love animals (normally).

      We rely on those sealed, perfect, plastic packaging, as you say, so that we don’t think about the suffering of the animal when we eat meat. There is a big movement in the UK where activists go out and put stickers on the food telling people about the animal they eat… But as you can imagine people aren’t very happy about that.

      Thanks for being so open-minded! 💚


  8. mommyingmaars says:

    That is so sad! I mean, I’m not keen on pets, I just don’t see the point of keeping pets, and then some of those “pets” we eat. Like I just don’t get it. That story was heart breaking. So sad, how a life, no matter the type of animal, is a life that contributes to this earth and it sucks that it’s taken for granted just because he was sick. I mean, we don’t kill people for having cancer, or diabetes, or a cold, or autism.. but then again, I guess others would argue, we are humans and they animals.

    Maria H |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      You’re right Maria, there is a huge distinction made between humans and animals which I find is strange because we are empathetic and compassionate animals haha!

      I understand your point about pets, I feel the same way. I only rescue animals that cannot survive in the wild, like domesticated dogs and cats in shelters. Otherwise we should not take an animal out of the wild for our own pleasure.

      Thanks for your comment 💚


  9. brownsugarfoodblog says:

    I have been going back and forth for years on weather or not if I should become a vegetarian. I don’t really care for meet and I love seen one too many cute animals. This program st definitely pushes the idea for me again. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      Hiya! It’s great that you’re thinking about becoming vegetarian, that means you’re already on the right track. Maybe doing something like being vegetarian for one day a week until you feel more comfortable would be a good road to go down? Unless you feel super confident and you can go vegetarian overnight! 🙂 💚


  10. Pinspired Girl says:

    Such a heartbreaking story. My mother in law actually purchased a dog that someone else deemed “not good enough” from a breeder in her community. The whole breeder concept actually upsets me. Yes, I have a “designer” dog, but the owner did not plan the litter. That is what makes her all the more special, she was meant to be part of our family! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      Ah that’s happened to my friend before… You’re right, those dogs are special. But if the litter wasn’t planned why would the lady try to make money from the litter? Surely it would be enough to find the doggies a happy, safe home. I totally understand your point though 💚


      1. Pinspired Girl says:

        Oh no sorry my dog wasn’t planned. My mother in laws dog however came from a breeder and was planned. The breeder sent him to the Midwest and a few months later he was sent back to Colorado because he didn’t look and act “right!”

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Amanda Ripsam says:

    What if humans were treated the same way these poor animals are treated? We keep pets as best friends and part of the family but these same pets are disposable or dumpable if we move away, get bored and want another pet or the pet does not get along well with the other pets or family members. I think animals need to have basic life rights too! I am on my way to check out your recipes as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      Amanda you’re so right. When it isn’t convenient for us to keep these animals they suddenly become disposable which is just oh so wrong. When and where did we learn to be such heartless human beings 😦

      I hope you found a recipe that you’d quite like to try 💚


  12. Ginger Smith says:

    Thank you for this post! People need to hear this story! I’m sure this isn’t a rare “well that only happened once” type of story. It’s one that’s happening daily!
    I am proud to be a vegan. I hope everyone joins us and can feel good about their decisions as well. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Lisa Marie Heath says:

    There are a lot of people that treat animals like property or products. I have pets and my boyfriend knew, and he’s allergic. He deals with it (we live together) because he knows they mean too much to me and he wouldn’t ask me to give them up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      That’s lovely Lisa. Those animals are your family and your boyfriend clearly respects that 🙂

      I just wish people would respect farm animals the same. It’s weird that we place more meaning on our relationships with pets than we do farm animals.


  14. Ana says:

    Love that picture, says so much! The quote too…This world’s in a desperate need of love & compassion.
    The story is so hearbreaking but sadly true 😦 I’ve seen cases like these myself, pets being abandoned when they become too expensive to handle and can’t play the “fun toy” part anymore…This needs to stop!! Thanks for sharing ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      You’re right Alison, they deserve so much better then how we treat them. How would we like it if something on our planet decided that we would be useful to clothe them, to feed them or to entertain them… Even the slightest thought about that makes me feel a lot of sadness for the animals now 💚


    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      That’s really nice Opheila, thank you.

      If we were all starving and had nothing to eat (like in some countries) then I wouldn’t condone killing animals for food at all because that is the *actual* food chain. However, now there are so many advancements in vegan food and we don’t need to kill animals, therere it is a needless killing (as you said).

      Thanks so much for your comment 💚


  15. Chastity says:

    Animal cruelty is very sad, it hard to hear and watch commercials based on their safety. It exist and the animals are suffering while we go on with our lives. Love to see people standing up for the cause and taking action

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Crumby Vegan says:

      Thank you Chastity. What a heartfelt comment.

      You’re right though, we are in a society which turns a blind idea to animal cruelty now, even though we feel so strongly against it. Such a weird time to live. Let’s hope we can make a difference though 💚

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Vyaksha says:

    I love this blog post and couldn’t have said this any better! Animals are beings just as humans are, but they are better beings than humans could ever be. I have a rescue sanctuary that my family and I run from our house and we aim to spread awareness and prevent cruelty towards animals. Please do visit my blog and take a peek at what we do 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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